Six days deep into the heart of the Sahara, into one of the most picturesque parts of the desert: Tassili n'Ajjer National Park of Algeria, near the borders with Libya and Niger.

I never thought I could be so overwhelmed by the beauty of the Sahara but for sure this was one of the most amazing trips I have ever had. I witnessed breathtaking Saharan landscapes changing endlessly before my eyes, and I hope that you too, watching the video, will get mesmerized by the amazing beauty of the desert - the tall dunes, the dramatic sandstone formations (pinnacles, buttes, arches), and the ancient rock art. More than 15,000 petroglyphs and paintings, some up to 8,000 years old, have been discovered in the area. The Tuareg people who have lived in the Sahara for millennia are nowadays happy to guide travelers through its secrets. Tassili n'Ajjer is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that deserves to be seen and admired.

The M’Zab Valley in Algeria has 5 fortified towns (ksours), founded between 1012 and 1350 by an Islamic sect, the Ibadites. The original 11th-century architecture and town planning of M'Zab influenced Arab architecture for a millennium and even French architects of the 20th century. Ghardaia is the main town and capital of the M'zab, the others are Beni Isguen, Melika, Bounoura, and El Atteuf.

The M'Zab Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, an intact example of traditional human habitat for community living, perfectly adapted to the environment.

Roaming between the ruins of five ancient Roman cities in Algeria. Three of these cities are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Timgad, Djémila, Tipasa.